
Breast cancer

Causes of breast cancer. Caused by several factors including: genetic factors.
Environment of high fat foods. And female sex hormones.
Start with a small lump in the breast usually no swelling, pain or infection before they grow up with.
Quick to find, might feel. Breast disfigurement. Breast skin looks rough and rugged.
Pull the brace of tits In some cases when the compression nipple is lymphatic or venous leak
From the first month of age, menopause, when they are older, without children or with children.
First, when more than 30 years of age, mothers or sisters had breast cancer child before age 50 years, the use of birth control pill
Early age and origin. Continued for a long time, hormone replacement therapy in women all ages.
Monthly increases the risk of a. Breast cancer than normal people who get so little.
Hormone replacement therapy for a long time. Should have been examined X-ray breast Known that
Making even inherent gram every year.
A variety of methods. Much to help in the diagnosis of breast cancer. The X-ray breast milk.
Although inherent Gram-through and Ultra Sound. (Examination by ultrasound) is useful.
In the diagnosis and treatment. The only piece that does not feel small or located deep in the breast meat.
The dark, not clear
When the diagnosis should be diagnosed stage disease to plan treatment to correct.
Assess the spread of Cancer to lymph nodes, lungs, liver and bone was therefore necessary.
To chest radiography. Make Ultra Sound liver And bone scanning type radiation Pharmacy.
Breast cancer treatment is a combination of surgical treatment. Radiation treatment.
And the chemotherapy. Maintain accurate and appropriate for each patient, the treatment results.
Patients with good longevity. Medical treatment necessary to select the method and order appropriate treatment for patients.
Each person to achieve the best treatment.
1. Breast surgery out some means to cut off before.
Cancer, including breast meat wrapped around a good cooperation with the cancer out with Lo gland.
Armpit lymph out If the cancer has spread to lymph nodes.
Surgery in this way the breast radiation after surgery for all.
A new opportunity to reduce cancer The results of this surgical method is equally effective.
Cutting off the breast and breast
2. To cut off the breast by using standard is. All breast meat, cut with peel
The armpit lymph nodes. Doctors surgery in this way if the tumor is larger than the first method.
For accuracy in the diagnosis phase This will help in planning treatment and prognosis.
Patients need surgery Lo armpit lymph nodes taken out to detect metastases.
Of cancer cells.
Breast cancer patients treated by surgery, some cases need to be added to the treatment.
Desire to lose or live longer. Better quality of life. Therapy consisted of chemotherapy and radiation treatment.
Of chemotherapy. And hormone treatment. This treatment is a combination of these therapies.
This will be beneficial to help patients recover from the disease or have a longer life.
Because the progression of breast cancer. Patients often do not have symptoms in the early stage so
It is necessary and important to find breast cancer examined in the early stages of treatment.
Breast cancer today is significant progress. Finding breast cancer early stage can be treated.
The cure and treatment can only be done by cutting out tumors and do not need surgery.
In contrast, breast examination, if not search for breast cancer. By waiting until there is something wrong.
Cancer may spread to other organs, and can not cure.
The purpose of screening breast cancer. Is to detect cancer in early stage.
This will be beneficial to maintain. The survival rate of patients increased. And the return is a new disease.
1. The self-breast examination once a month correctly.
Month after disappearing, then about three days is an easy way. Savings available.
To all ages if a breast self examination is required to regularly.
Detectable clot from growing to a size much the treatment will work.
Well some of you may think that self-examination is not important since
Check with a parent already inherent gram. But in fact, some tumors may
Does not appear to be obvious in radiographs. But you can feel by physical examination.
Manual and should be confirmed with the doctor again. Or in the case.
Examination and self-doubt or not sure. Suggest that the examination by a doctor.
This is a very unique benefits.
2. A breast examination by a physician adept once a year since
Age: 40 years old.
3. X-ray examination of the breast. Or even inherent called Gram. once a year since the age of 40 years.

When a brain cancer

Surgical piercing tissue exposure to chemotherapy.
When mentioning the brain. Can see that a special organ is one of the highest organs when compared with other organs of the body and are protected by the thick bone. (Skull) in order to avoid danger easily. ... The brain is like a CPU of the body. It acts thinking, reading, writing and calculation controls the entire body, including eyes, ears, nose, mouth, tongue, body and mind.
Disorders of the brain were mostly Usually caused by a narrowing of the arteries or break tons of the brain. Cause symptoms such as paralysis of the body paralysis is also a disease of the brain more specific . " brain tumor. . " which will be discussed further.
The case of a brain tumor. Patients are different diseases caused by blood vessels of the brain, the symptoms will occur gradually. Not like a sudden stroke. A brain tumor proliferation or increased over time. This causes pressure inside the skull increases. Cause headache, vomiting, swollen optic nerve (detected by a doctor) is also associated with other symptoms such as arm strength thigh half portion Numbness half hemisphere. Listening, speaking, reading and writing disorders are not well poised walk process strabismus blurred eyes dull deaf on one of the ideas slowly changed character. Seizures and spasms, etc. The symptoms depend on whether the tumor is any position of the brain.
Tumors of the brain may be divided into two types of tumor is not fatal. And fatal tumor or cancer. In this section I mentioned that a serious tumor.
Fatal brain tumors were divided into 2 groups.
1. The deadly brain tumors that occur in the brain. Not exactly what factors are causing the tumor directly. But we found a gene that abnormal brain cells as a contributing factor.
2. The tumor spreads from somewhere else, such as lung cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer etc.
The treatment of brain cancer in several ways and may require several methods of treatment to achieve the best outcomes such as
1. Piercing sucking piece of the tumor to diagnosis.
2. Remove the tumor from surgery.
3. The radiation treatment.
4. Chemotherapy.
There are currently bringing in new technologies. Used in brain tumor surgery. To work better than in the past.
More effective and less complication. The navigation tools (. Frameless and Frame-based navigation). the operation with high accuracy. Had surgery by endoscopy (. endoscopic Surgery). the small wound. The surgery without Anesthesia for brain mapping (. awake brain Craniotomy and Mapping). helps to remove the tumor from the brain surgery part is safe. X-ray examination of electromagnetic brain surgery. Can cause cancer, brain surgery, more robust. Check the neurophysiology of the operation (. EEG, SSEP, MEP). to prevent the disabilities that may result from tumor surgery. In addition, advances in chemotherapy and radiation patients more comfortable. With chemotherapy for brain cancer, a type of eating a low morbidity. The projector light irradiation type 3-D with high accuracy. Reducing the complications of radiation less so.
The brain cancer. There is currently no way to prevent The best way is. Observed abnormalities that occur with themselves or their loved ones. When a malfunction occurs. Appropriate treatment as soon as quickly. Within the tumor is small. The doctor may need to continue. Because the symptoms may not clear the first stage. For those who already have symptoms. Do not despair or discouraged and should not be denied treatment without reason. Because current medical science have made ​​significant progress. Treatment in terms of surgery, medication or radiation treatment is very effective. Important that you not forget to maintain themselves with a significant

Bladder cancer

In Thailand, bladder cancer is a cancer found in the top 10 cancer
Found in males. The results showed that age range 50-70 years, mainly arising from the lining of the stomach.
The urine is divided up into a more common tumor up. Pack up this area of ​​proliferation.
Growth and may grow increasingly full bladder. Spread out and spread to organs and
Adjacent lymph nodes if not treated correctly.
Found a high incidence in people who smoke. Those who work with dyes, dye, dye leather with wood material.
Some chemicals such as paint, a Lean Company (aniline) or their hydrocarbon compounds. And consumer organizations also advices as artificial intelligence.
This irritation and inflammation due to stones in the bladder mass is induced to cause this disease.
75% of patients had urinary symptoms, blood without pain. Some patients may have only.
Drops of blood came out on top urine. Sometimes symptoms like urinary infection is piss
Often burning or ground as blood coagulation is a wedge issue. Blood in the urine from time to time in the.
The long-term pain will spread, and some obstruction of the renal tubular cause symptoms.
Of renal failure and low back pain with.
The diagnosis of bladder cancer. There are many ways such as history taking and examination
Body can feel a lump at the head of these likely. The rectal finger examination and urine showed grain
Blood was mixed with tumor cells. And when in doubt, should be examined by endoscopy small.
Inserted through the urethra into the bladder survey. Trim and remove the suspicious area to be proven.
Pathology is cancer or not. In some patients may need to check with the shooting.
Radiation bladder Or other detector, such as a magnetic detector or monitor.
With high-frequency sound waves and so on.
How to treat bladder cancer several ways. This will depend on the severity of the tissue.
Pathology. And the spread of the disease, including ureteral obstruction.
•. cases of cancer in the lining of the bladder treatment may be done by insertion
A small tool into the urethra and then release the power chain that destroys tumors tumors.
To all patients to some doctors may prevent disease back to a new With the use of chemotherapy put
Into the bladder. And then storing it for a period of approximately 1 to 2 hours and then taken them.
•. In case of spread to the walls of the bladder can be done by surgical treatment.
Remove the batteries from your area and then sewing the bladder wall of the bladder. Patients will continue.
Urine was normal.
•. if the disease spread to adjacent organs, already treated by surgery to remove a payment culture.
Urinary organs, along with the side of the disease to spread out completely. And cut out some parts of the intestine.
Adapted to the new bladder. Patients will continue to urinate through the colon to be open.
Out of the abdomen.
•. If unable to be treated with surgery. can be treated with screening
In the case of radiotherapy, the disease has spread into the bloodstream and then. Able to provide treatment.
With the injection of chemotherapy.
1. Avoid smoking cigarette smoking, especially before bed. Because the material is outstanding.
Carcinogens in the bladder for a long time.
2. Be sure to urinate when the symptoms of urine , such as frequent urination with thick scrub.
Only when there is blood in the urine came out.

Gastric cancer

Cancer, stomach means. Cancer of the lining of the match inside the stomach cavity. Cancer is found in moderation. Often found in people older than 40 years and over in our home often found patients with cancer in late stage. Because patients usually see a doctor when symptoms are apparent abdominal pain and weight loss. Stage cancer, which is then spread to much. I never fully cure. Those who are vulnerable to this disease (for example, have a relative with this disease) should consult a doctor for examination before the Czech disorders. If detected from the early stages. I have the cure or a longer life.
There are many factors that are associated with gastric cancer. Are important.
1. Genetic relatives who are direct, such as parents, siblings this type of cancer. The risk of developing this disease than those without this genetic disease.
2. A history of certain chronic gastritis or gastric ulcer. Or the duodenum from a bacterial infection that is called. Helix cattle carrying terminal Prime Carlo Marine. (Helicobacter pylori) disease, these patients will have abdominal pain, a stomach is missing any other chronic
3. Drinking areas. Or smoking.
4. Seasoning salt diet food, smoked or pickled foods nitrate input (such as sausage fermented sausage).
5. To eat more fruits and vegetables.
6. Had history of gastric surgery for over 20 years.
Can see that this disease is caused by many causes. Those who do not smoke or drink alcohol. But if there are other factors (such as genetic or gastric ulcers duodenum from the bacteria. Chronic bladder inflammation) may also have stomach cancer. Should not underestimate yourself with good health behaviors are not cancer. Best way is when the symptoms ผidseongeue. I should get to see a doctor early gastric examination. Or if you have risk factors. It should make a gut check before symptoms show.
The first phase will not begin to notice symptoms later when tumors grew to abdominal pain. Hunger simple indigestion flatulence แnnngoong occupies under Eignpen. Or above the navel, the same stomach. The initial drug treatment for an ulcer. Food relief until the patient is thought of as just a normal stomach. Left until later, stomach drug treatment does not work. And may have more severe symptoms that followed such as
Nausea and vomiting.
Vomiting blood Or defecate in black. (Old blood-colored residues).
Feel a lump in the abdomen. Directly above the navel is not too hard lump million.
Loss of appetite, weight loss.
Palpate the lymph node basin before the left collarbone.
If left until the cancer spread to internal organs. Will have symptoms such as jaundice complication or yellow eyes (and spread to the liver), abdominal pain, vomiting (gastrointestinal tumors obstruction), breathing panting tired (and spread to the lungs) or the urine, not less. (Spread to the urinary tract obstruction), etc.
In the first phase of symptoms in patients with gastric cancer. Which looks at pain or แnnngoong Eignpen. It looked like an ulcer. Regurgitate digestive diseases. (Acid reflux disease or disease Dog Girl) If the skin disease, these drugs tend to induce an ulcer or a cure. Of gastric cancer in the first period. If drug treatment for an ulcer. It might work temporarily But later it did not work.
Later stage symptoms are nausea, vomiting, weight loss, it looked like esophageal cancer. (Swallowing difficulties. From swallowing solid food such as rice, not before), liver cancer (before dark, solid Men around the right frame).
Your doctor will diagnose this disease with a special examination. Endoscopic method currently used to check the condition inside the stomach. (A method that does not hurt at all. But it may make you feel uncomfortable indigestible) will find cancer lesions. And whether the lesion was cancer or not clear. Your doctor will remove the trigger pin on the surface of the stomach tissue to prove laboratory.
Sometimes, doctors may be examined by the patient swallowing barium powder. X-ray imaging of the stomach and intestines.
When it detects that a clear and gastric cancer. Your doctor will perform additional check of other (such as computer tomography, ultrasound) to assess whether the cancer spread to much. Or within any (Cancer is divided into four phases as a minor or early stages. The cell remains in the stomach wall, only the fourth term is the last stage cancer that has spread to different parts. Then the body).
1. Those who are vulnerable to this disease (such as relatives with this disease. People with chronic gastritis. Cattle infected with Helicobacter or terminal carrying Prime Lo Ri) should consult a doctor to check the Czech stomach by endoscopy. May need to check the Czech yearly If that started to malfunction. Will quickly find ways to prevent or treat effectively. And live longer.
2. Eignpen with pain at bite before eating. Cork แnnngoong or after eating. If just the first time. With no other symptoms. And younger than 40 years, the anti-acid drug once after 15-30 ml of 3 meals and at bedtime.

If the drug 2-3 days felt relief. The drug until 2 weeks, but if not relief should go see a doctor first.
In case of drug not recovered two weeks should see a doctor.
If the drug should be recovered until 6-8 weeks.
If the drug due 6-8 weeks later with recurrent symptoms should see a doctor. To determine the cause.
Also, if the patient is characteristic of any of the following should seek medical.
(1) older than 40 years, although the symptoms for the first time, and no other symptoms. Should consult a doctor.
(2) pain severe pain for more than 6 hours of pain, vomiting, defecation is bumpy, black eyes, yellow jaundice or weight loss. Just one. You should go see a doctor as soon as possible.
3. If found to be stomach cancer. Should behave as follows.
Following treatment with serious and ongoing medical appointments.
Follow the advice of a physician.
Should find a way to build encouragement. By accepting the truth. Keep the mind on the present moment mindfulness meditation pray.
Eat the full 5 Moo eat fruits and vegetables, respectively. Tofu a lot. Should be easily digested foods do not cause flatulence Dgoongego.
Always exercise as the body will receive a regular basis.
Modern medical treatment. Includes surgery. Of drug therapy (chemotherapy or to chemotherapy) to radiation therapy (radiation).

If it is early. Doctors surgery stomach (May cut some Or all depending on the severity of the disease) and chemotherapy is the main Chemotherapy will continue for some time. To control cancer spread or not to collapse. May provide preoperative or postoperative. But should see a doctor. Treatment at this stage is intended to induce or cure disease. And longevity.
In cases of a very Chemotherapy may be necessary to prevail. Sometimes in combination with radiation. The surgery may be done when complications such as tumors or obstruction of urinary tract. At this stage of treatment. Disease is not intended to disappear. However, to prevent or mitigate the complications. Help patients with health
People often have false beliefs that often cause disease and surgery fell hard. It will see the most patients in end-stage severe complications. The life-saving medical need surgery or to relieve suffering. (Not my aim to disease), these patients often have symptoms fell hard and is not followed up. Making public misunderstanding and fear of surgery.
Of chemotherapy. It may have side effects such as nausea, vomiting, hair loss, low white blood cell. (Infected easily) and some patients who can not stand. Thereby ensuring the chills. This treatment was actually present, the development of chemotherapy to be effective in treating more. And to reduce side effects. Disadvantages are expensive and some patients who carry the burden against the treatment side effects, however, not wai often temporary. Patients will gradually Tolerated more. And after treatment. (On the end), the body will be able to recover to normal condition.
Due to cancer progression. And spread to organs such as
Tumors, gastrointestinal obstruction. (Abdominal pain, flatulence, vomiting, not eating).
Obstructive urinary tract cancer. (Not the urine, kidney failure).
Cancer spread to the lungs. (Breathing difficulties).
Cancer spread to the liver. (Jaundice, abdominal symptoms cause water retention.)
Hemorrhage (vomiting blood. Black defecation. Haggard face) or in pain and so on.
If this is the first cancer. Often cure or longer life, but if the end-stage cancer. Only palliative treatment to prevent suffering. And often do not survive long as a Stage 4 cancer, which spread and spread throughout the body. Is usually about 6-12 months (some people have good self-care. It may be longer than this.)
1. Avoid the risk of diseases like abstaining alcohol cigarette Avoid eating foods that are salty, pickled foods, smoked foods and nitrate input on a regular basis.
2. Eat as many fruits and vegetables every day.

Knowledge of food and nutrition for cancer patients

Knowledge of food and nutrition for cancer patients.
The importance of diet on cancer patients.
Number of new cancer patients not died from a progression of the disease. But because of malnutrition. Many studies show that during the respiratory illness. If the body has adequate food to help maintain a good check up. Whether treatment with surgery or radiation. Allows faster recovery and better Or at least it will help to maintain health is not to degenerate than it should be.
It is widely accepted today that "Seafood that will help improve the quality of life for cancer patients, the nutritional problems that occur, most cancer patients have deficiency of food. Makes the body immune to the infection, reduce disease complications and easy as a serious disadvantage.
Cause cancer and malnutrition.
Body needs more energy. Cancer cells to create certain chemicals. The metabolic diet to give up as soon as possible. For energy If the body has not enough food. Has the metabolism of the food stored in the body and then spread to the muscles. And various tissues.
Cancer patients eat less. While the body needs food for energy to increase The lack of food.
How are patients to eat more.
If the patient is thinner and weight reduction should follow the following.
After all meals with beverages such as milk, tofu, water, fruit or dessert.
Increase the number of meals that used to eat 2-3 meals to 4-6 meals.
Add snacks between meals is a fruit. Or drink with high nutritional value.
Food choices like eating.
Rotate many foods. To be tireless and valuable nutrients.
Food with a soft appearance. May help to eat more easily, such as macaroni, noodles, ice cream, jelly Boiled Akhneu๋n.
Eating freshly cooked.
Atmosphere in the pleasant dining. And many people eat together.
Try to refresh the mind.
The right foods for cancer patients.
Food for cancer patients. Food should be useful to the body. Are highly nutritious. And the body should be in sufficient quantity to the needs of the body.
Foods with high nutritional values ​​are.
Foods are rice flour, noodles, bread, noodles, etc., which are food for energy.
Fatty foods such as vegetable and animal oils and other oils such as soybean, rice bran oil, essential fatty acids help and energy.
Meat animals such as beef, pork, poultry, fish, milk and dried beans. This is a source of nutrients, type of protein. Add to eat more than normal.
Fresh foods such as tomato, pumpkin, cabbage, kale Tamlung and other
Foods, fruits, fresh fruit such as orange, banana, guava, papaya, etc. and fruit juice.
In addition to foods that are high value and then. Food should be clean and cooked food should also several types of cooking by steaming soup grill curry cooked fried alternately to help the body have time to drive or destroy toxins from the food consumed.
Result of being fed adequately.
Patients with cancer receiving adequate food will cause the following benefits.
Patients respond well to treatment. The treatment continued.
Treated with chemical drugs. Or high dose of radiation apply.
The shorter treatment time.
The immune system in the body. Reduced infection.
Makes good physical condition.
"There is a problem and want advice about food.
About how to behave when the adverse effects of treatment.
Bored with food
Eat a little at a time but often.
Eat foods that are high energy and protein.
Snacks are reserved.
Do not drink water during meals.
Modified foods to taste and color.
Cooking for help to various designs.
Light exercise before eating.
Atmosphere likely to eat food on the table.
Glands, taste changes.
Fill it with condiments.
Avoid foods with a bitter taste.
Meat. Should be seasoned with salt, spices and sauces to smell before.
If food is too sweet. Season with lemon juice / salt
Avoid hot food / odor strength.
Dry mouth.
Sip water frequently.
Dining with the moisture in the mouth such as cold watermelon jelly candy etc.
Eat sweet heat of solid
Paint your lips with Vaseline.
Sore mouth / swallowing difficulties.
Diet soft easy to chew / swallow
Avoid spicy food, hot food, dry food, hard
Use straw instead of drinking a toast.
Cut food / fruit pieces.
Use a small spoon, no sharp
Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.
Drink lots of water about 2 liters per day.
Movement or some Chest exercises. To have a bowel movement.
Eat less, but often comes at a time.
Eat foods with less waste.
Avoid milk and food cold or hot.
Avoid foods that cause gas in the stomach, such as cabbage, lettuce, white onions soft.
Frequent diarrhea should not eat or drink salt water instead of mineral.
Seed / fatigue / low blood.
Should eat foods with adequate iron and protein such as meat, milk, eggs, liver, various green vegetables (spinach, kale, spinach, Po).
Eat fruits and vegetables every meal.
Avoid fried foods. Foods high in fat foods that are fermented foods such as spices, soft drinks, gas, odor and cabbage Cha Om.
Blood transfusion is.
Not eat spicy
Nausea / vomiting.
Eat soft, easy to digest foods such as ice cream, clear liquid Akhneu๋n Boiled Rice Noodle Soup different.
Avoid strong food smells sweet pepper
Eat less at a time, but it is often chewed slowly.
Hungry before eating.
Place them around food. So easy to pick up to eat.
After a meal should sit still for about 1 hour.
Take a deep breath on a long began to feel nauseous.
Vomiting, to abstain on the water. Food and everything.

Colon cancer

Symptoms of colon cancer.

Blood mixed in stool.
Of rectal bleeding.
Motion smaller.
Pain, frequent defecation. Like never before.
Excretory habits have changed, such as defecation every day it was changed to have constipation.
Constipation alternating diarrhea.
Lam Sai chronic.
Abdominal colic.
May feel a lump in the abdomen. This is usually the lower right.
Pain around the anus flex like. Shit all the time.
Losing weight without knowing why.
Anemia may have fatigue and weight reduction.
Some patients with symptoms of intestinal obstruction is abdominal pain, severe intestinal-like contorted It is just a moment. Then to abate. And back again is not associated with defecation and so do not fart.
They also found that Symptoms of colorectal cancer based on the location of such tumors are located.
Colorectal cancer at the beginning. The stool is still very liquid. Symptoms appear in the form of anemia, fatigue, bleeding, respiratory distress shake.
The transverse colon cancer that may show bleeding, abdominal pain, flatulence.
Large tumor filling the late Sam. And rectal stool may show symptoms. With smaller pieces. Intermittent abdominal pain and digestive taken.
Colorectal cancer is the opportunity to release all the blood out of blood and fresh Or old blood. Therefore, please observe. If you look to change the color of the stool for you to consult a doctor immediately.
Tu of colon cancer.
1.Eating a low-fiber foods or foods that contain less amount of Calcium causes constipation / diarrhea, frequent and prolonged.
2.The tumors in the gastrointestinal tract, especially the intestine. Oxidation reactions, which may have caused.
3.Symptoms that can be transmitted genetically. That people who have a family history of colon cancer before it has the risk of cancer, this type of rose.
4.Eating foods that contain high amounts of fat.
5.Have been toxic to the body and to the left of the intestine.
6.Blood vessels supplying the area of ​​the intestine caused deterioration. Loss of flexibility to. Blood can not be made into a party at the colon adequately.
Examination for diagnosis is simple. Upon examining the stool. To see if there is blood in the stool or in the first phase, which may have a small amount and not visible to the naked eye. If the lesion is near the anus may be detected by using a finger inserted into the rectum examination. When you see blood in the stool. Or suspected the symptoms are X-ray examination of the colon with a garden into flour and rectal endoscopy. To detect and cut meat. Blood tests look at one of the proteins produced by cancer cells are CEA (Carcino-embryonic Antigen) can help in diagnosis are very
The treatment of colon cancer.
The treatment of colon cancer several ways, such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy depending on stage of disease, acted as d the size of the tumors. Strength and condition of the patient. Today, after a study found a gene associated with colon cancer. G-d has been developed to be told how to determine whether any genetic high risk of colon cancer. Colorectal cancer is the 3 main methods of surgical methods, remove the tumor. The use of drugs to destroy cancer cells. And destroy cancer cells in various positions. By irradiation. The choice of treatment depends on how much the cancer has spread, or any distribution or not. And physical condition of the patient, while the most appropriate way.
Division stage of colon cancer. Particularly useful for treatment planning. After the diagnosis of colon cancer and then. Your doctor will share stage of disease. Divided by the spread of the disease stage 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 as follows.
Stage 0 cancer in early stage. Only the surface of intestinal cancer.
Stage 1 cancer is only the intestinal wall. Has not spread outside the colon.
Stage 2 cancer spread outside the colon. But did not spread to lymph nodes.
Stage 3 cancer spread to nearby lymph nodes. But has not spread to other organs.
Stage 4 cancer spread to other organs, usually to the liver and lungs.
Recurrent cancer after repeated treatment.
Patients with colon cancer stage 3, stage 4 is considered disease progression. The study revealed that the treatment is not good enough. Surgery may not be cut out pieces. Chance of recurrence is quite high. But the study found that a group of patients who respond to chemotherapy after surgery, very good. Although it is in range, despite their disease progression. The drug used mainly consists of irinotecan may be used alone or in combination with 5-flourouracil (5-FU).

The problem is earlier. Doctors can not know in advance that the patients in the group to the response to chemotherapy after surgery. One else in the group that did not work. Thus causing a difficulty in deciding planning stage colorectal cancer patients with disease progression. Present new knowledge indicated that predict outcomes in such cases is the amount of DNA in cancer cells.

DNA in cancer cells, called DNA content showed that patients with colon cancer stage progression with DNA is a type tetraploid, peri-tetraploid and multiploid tumours respond very well to chemotherapy formula irinotecan + 5-FU, which the drug after surgery. The results of this research will impact a great selection of patients that physicians have to plan ahead. Will be the response to chemotherapy after surgery.

On the other hand, the concept and technical inspection techniques and DNA content of human colon cancer cells. Will help doctors know which patients will not respond to chemotherapy after surgery. And choose other means of treatment which will directly affect the success of such treatment. Such as how to use radiation and so on. Patients not responding to chemotherapy irinotecan + 5-FU formula are those with a type of DNA diploid, peri-diploid and aneuploid tumours.
To prevent or reduce risk.
Although there is no way eliminates the risk of colorectal cancer was 100%, but there are ways to reduce their risk, such as diet rich in fruits and vegetables to provide fiber waste more food. Stools will grow in size. And easier to excrete. No bottleneck in the colon for too long. And release chemicals that increase the risk of mutation of cells lining the colon. Regular exercise can reduce the risk of colon cancer. It also helps reduce obesity The use of hormone supplements in postmenopausal women. Today, the medical community recommends that people aged 50 years or consult your doctor. To help determine the risk and to get more colon endoscopic examination once a year. Screening for cancer that has no name or poly last year or so that you can diagnose and cure, but early

Liver cancer

Cancer, liver cancer is most common in males # 1 and # 2 in women with cancer and the disease rapidly. Usually fatal in 3 -6 months.
1. The occurrence of the disease. Classified by the two species.
1.1 the type of liver directly. (Primary tumor) in Thailand found the two species.
1.1.1 cancer cells. Cancer is found in all regions.
1.1.2 bile duct cancer cells. Cancer is more common in the Northeast.
1.2 types of cancer spread to other organs. (Secondary cancer), such as colon and rectal cancer that spread to the liver.
2. Risk factors associated with diseases such as hepatitis B virus. Liver fluke in the chemical treatment of some diseases toxic pesticide caused by fungi. The chemicals. Alcohol from fermented foods, etc. malnutrition. The system state immunity, the genetic properties and other factors. Related to the environment. Help cause the disease.

1. แnnngoong of appetite, constipation
2. Fatigue, weight loss and low grade fever.
3. Pain or frame on the right male crowd. May feel a lump.
4. Jaundice, yellow eyes, big belly and swollen legs and 2 side

Detection and treatment of liver cancer in early stages are most effective. But very early stages of liver cancer is often asymptomatic. Those at risk should consult a physician.
1. The investigation by the level of blood substances alpha protein feed growth. A substance liver cancer. Types of cells produced.
2. Make sure batteries in the liver by Ultraviolet Sound brand. X-ray computer. MRI or magnetic injected color into the artery supplying the liver.

1. The surgery is the best way that they hope to cure patients, but available in the pack is not very big. And liver function is still good.
2. Injections and chemical compounds to clog the arteries that nourish Tumors cause mass collapse (Chemoembolization).
3. Such as alcohol injection into tumors through the skin in small tumors. Patients who can not have surgery.
4. The use of chemical drugs used to relieve not only can be cured.
5. The light is used to relieve symptoms of cancer.
6. The use of combination.

1. Do not eat food with mold. Carefully dried food. Including food preparation and kept overnight because there may be mixed with fungi.
2. Do not eat food ใsnya repeatedly or preservatives.
3. Not eating half-raw like sushi Koi fish because it can make it. Liver fluke disease, or fermented foods such as fermented pickled fish, etc. because Plaehnr nitrosamine compounds, which are causes liver cancer.
4. Should eat clean. And cooked new.
5. If there is something wrong. Should consult a doctor.

Aware... Cervical cancer

Although cervical cancer. A disease prevention and treatment to cure disease, but cervical cancer. Still dominating the number one cancer killer of women. The mortality rate of Cervical cancer was higher up to 7 people per day, and the cases of cervical cancer. NEW Up to 6,000 people per year by the number of people infected with more than half have died. Because most patients are often embarrassed and afraid to go see a doctor for cancer detection. Make than to know that patients with cervical cancer. this The severity of the disease is spread within that .. soToday we bring information about cervical cancer. for you to see through a trick of cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer. (Cancer of cervix) caused by a virus called HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) English known as wart viruses, virus from contact to contact. Most of the sexual experience that resulted in abrasion of the skin or mucous membranes. And the virus will enter the cervix. The change of cervical tissue or cells. From normal cervix into pre-term are cervical cancer.

Viruses have over 100 HP V-type, but that infect the reproductive organs were about 30-40 species, divided into two groups. Low risk and high risk groups. Low risk does not cause cancer. But the cause of genital warts Ngon Kai. Or warts on the larynx. The high-risk groups are carcinogenic. Ie. cervical cancer. Vaginal cancer. And vulvar cancer.

For the risk of infection by the HP V-easy This type of infection is bacteria resistant to heat. And dry well. Can track the island, clothing, skin, genitals, or even scattered around in the dust. That every woman would ever have sex risk of infection, HP V.however. Infection often lose themselves. With the body's immune system, only 10% of the infection continues. A wrong to the lining of the cervix. And becoming a cancer at a later time. When the infection enters the body until the cause of cervical cancer. is that Take approximately 10-15 years.

Risk factors of cervical cancer.

- Having sexual intercourse at an early age.
- Having multiple sexual partner. Or male co-sleep with our many partners.
- The birth of many people.
- Smoking.
- The conditions under surveillance. Especially AIDS.
- Smoking.
- Genetics.
- The lack of some nutrients.

Risk factors of man. that could make women are cervical cancer.

- Men with a history of sexually transmitted diseases.
- Men who have sex at an early age.
- Women who have husbands penis cancer.
- Women who have had a husband wife are cervical cancer.
- Men with multiple partners.

Symptoms and treatment of cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer. often found in women aged 35 to 60 years, but they can findcervical cancer. should be the early symptoms of a patient with cervical cancer. is more or less depending on the phases of cancer The symptoms in patient with cervical cancer. ie.

Vaginal hemorrhage. is the most common symptoms at approximately 80 to 90 of the patient with cervical cancer. look at the blood may be Uapribuaproi bleeding between menstrual cycle. With abnormal vaginal discharge smell blood in the bleeding time or have sex. If the cancer is large and spread out to the side. Or spread to the pelvic floor would be a pain. Due to nerve compression.

Symptoms in the later stages when the cancer spread to organs or other pain, including leg swelling, back pain, blood urine Ugnub. Defecation, blood etc.

Disease Cervical cancer is divided into the following period 0-4.

Phase 0. the cancer has not spread. Cure. cervical cancer. Phase 0 is a small operation that takes only 15 minutes, and monitoring symptoms. Treatment at this stage is nearly 100% effective.

Phase 1. Cervical cancer is. Treatment of cervical cancer. Phase 1 is a major surgery, hysterectomy Lo lymph nodes in the pelvis. This works well up to 80%.

Phase 2. cancer cells spread from the cervix. By not go very far. But it can not have surgery. Treatment of cervical cancer. Phase 2 must be treated with radiation. And chemotherapy (chemotherapy) was approximately 60% result.

3 Phase. close pelvic tumor spread. Treatment of cervical cancer. Phase 3 is to use radiation therapy. And chemotherapy. This term treatment of about 20-30%.

Stage 4. a term that cancer cells spread throughout the body. Treatment of cervical cancer. Stage 4 is to give chemotherapy. And treatment of the symptoms. In the hope of only 50-10% and very little opportunity to escape, but not necessarily with a patient with cervical cancer. some can survive for up to 1-2 years to death.

Side effects from treatment. Cervical cancer.

Operation of side effects of surgery may include bleeding and infection, organ damage nearby
Radiation (duration 1-2 months), side effects are dry skin, fatigue, blood in urine.
Chemotherapy. side effects were fatigue, nausea, vomiting, hair loss, hands, feet up on tea, which each type of drug use.

Women should begin detecting disease Cervical cancer when

Women who have sex at all ages. Screening for infection should come. cervical cancer. or last year called Pat smear (Pap Smear) at least once a year and a woman who never had sex. Should start at the age of 30 years, but if the meet medical disorders may make an appointment to go more frequently.

The new year is how to smear detects abnormal Or disease of cervical cancer.somewhat easier to take only 2-3 minutes to do an inspection in conjunction with the examination of women. The doctor will insert the tool into the vagina. Using small wooden scraping gently. To keep the label on the glass cell. And to detect unusual Prior to inspection. Be prepared with your body. Do not check in during menstruation. Cease to have sex. And ban vaginal douching or insert any medication before the examination. advantages. How to make a raft smear this year. Will help reduce the risk of being. Cervical cancer by up to 70 percent.

Cervical cancer vaccine.

Many people have probably heard of the vaccination campaign disease of cervical cancer. In fact. Level of prophylactic cervical cancer. There are many levels. The first level of protection the vaccine is believed to reduce the risk of approximately 70 percent also protected by checking the basic patch last year smear is a routine matter.
In accordance with the instructions of the Board of Directors of the United States immunization. Children and young women under the age of 26 years who never had sex before. Can be vaccinated at all this type without HP V detection. The woman had been having sex already. Should screening. cervical cancer. or Pat smear year before. It is possible that infection may be found. Or abnormal. They are to be cured first. To be vaccinated in time later the age at vaccination should begin this type is 9 years old and vaccination for women ages 9 to 26 years will be protected most effectively.

Do not forget to regularly check the health And disorders of the body.Important Do not be afraid or embarrassed to detect the infection. Cervical cancer. Because if too late. The disease can destroy you.