
Breast cancer

Causes of breast cancer. Caused by several factors including: genetic factors.
Environment of high fat foods. And female sex hormones.
Start with a small lump in the breast usually no swelling, pain or infection before they grow up with.
Quick to find, might feel. Breast disfigurement. Breast skin looks rough and rugged.
Pull the brace of tits In some cases when the compression nipple is lymphatic or venous leak
From the first month of age, menopause, when they are older, without children or with children.
First, when more than 30 years of age, mothers or sisters had breast cancer child before age 50 years, the use of birth control pill
Early age and origin. Continued for a long time, hormone replacement therapy in women all ages.
Monthly increases the risk of a. Breast cancer than normal people who get so little.
Hormone replacement therapy for a long time. Should have been examined X-ray breast Known that
Making even inherent gram every year.
A variety of methods. Much to help in the diagnosis of breast cancer. The X-ray breast milk.
Although inherent Gram-through and Ultra Sound. (Examination by ultrasound) is useful.
In the diagnosis and treatment. The only piece that does not feel small or located deep in the breast meat.
The dark, not clear
When the diagnosis should be diagnosed stage disease to plan treatment to correct.
Assess the spread of Cancer to lymph nodes, lungs, liver and bone was therefore necessary.
To chest radiography. Make Ultra Sound liver And bone scanning type radiation Pharmacy.
Breast cancer treatment is a combination of surgical treatment. Radiation treatment.
And the chemotherapy. Maintain accurate and appropriate for each patient, the treatment results.
Patients with good longevity. Medical treatment necessary to select the method and order appropriate treatment for patients.
Each person to achieve the best treatment.
1. Breast surgery out some means to cut off before.
Cancer, including breast meat wrapped around a good cooperation with the cancer out with Lo gland.
Armpit lymph out If the cancer has spread to lymph nodes.
Surgery in this way the breast radiation after surgery for all.
A new opportunity to reduce cancer The results of this surgical method is equally effective.
Cutting off the breast and breast
2. To cut off the breast by using standard is. All breast meat, cut with peel
The armpit lymph nodes. Doctors surgery in this way if the tumor is larger than the first method.
For accuracy in the diagnosis phase This will help in planning treatment and prognosis.
Patients need surgery Lo armpit lymph nodes taken out to detect metastases.
Of cancer cells.
Breast cancer patients treated by surgery, some cases need to be added to the treatment.
Desire to lose or live longer. Better quality of life. Therapy consisted of chemotherapy and radiation treatment.
Of chemotherapy. And hormone treatment. This treatment is a combination of these therapies.
This will be beneficial to help patients recover from the disease or have a longer life.
Because the progression of breast cancer. Patients often do not have symptoms in the early stage so
It is necessary and important to find breast cancer examined in the early stages of treatment.
Breast cancer today is significant progress. Finding breast cancer early stage can be treated.
The cure and treatment can only be done by cutting out tumors and do not need surgery.
In contrast, breast examination, if not search for breast cancer. By waiting until there is something wrong.
Cancer may spread to other organs, and can not cure.
The purpose of screening breast cancer. Is to detect cancer in early stage.
This will be beneficial to maintain. The survival rate of patients increased. And the return is a new disease.
1. The self-breast examination once a month correctly.
Month after disappearing, then about three days is an easy way. Savings available.
To all ages if a breast self examination is required to regularly.
Detectable clot from growing to a size much the treatment will work.
Well some of you may think that self-examination is not important since
Check with a parent already inherent gram. But in fact, some tumors may
Does not appear to be obvious in radiographs. But you can feel by physical examination.
Manual and should be confirmed with the doctor again. Or in the case.
Examination and self-doubt or not sure. Suggest that the examination by a doctor.
This is a very unique benefits.
2. A breast examination by a physician adept once a year since
Age: 40 years old.
3. X-ray examination of the breast. Or even inherent called Gram. once a year since the age of 40 years.

