
Colon cancer

Symptoms of colon cancer.

Blood mixed in stool.
Of rectal bleeding.
Motion smaller.
Pain, frequent defecation. Like never before.
Excretory habits have changed, such as defecation every day it was changed to have constipation.
Constipation alternating diarrhea.
Lam Sai chronic.
Abdominal colic.
May feel a lump in the abdomen. This is usually the lower right.
Pain around the anus flex like. Shit all the time.
Losing weight without knowing why.
Anemia may have fatigue and weight reduction.
Some patients with symptoms of intestinal obstruction is abdominal pain, severe intestinal-like contorted It is just a moment. Then to abate. And back again is not associated with defecation and so do not fart.
They also found that Symptoms of colorectal cancer based on the location of such tumors are located.
Colorectal cancer at the beginning. The stool is still very liquid. Symptoms appear in the form of anemia, fatigue, bleeding, respiratory distress shake.
The transverse colon cancer that may show bleeding, abdominal pain, flatulence.
Large tumor filling the late Sam. And rectal stool may show symptoms. With smaller pieces. Intermittent abdominal pain and digestive taken.
Colorectal cancer is the opportunity to release all the blood out of blood and fresh Or old blood. Therefore, please observe. If you look to change the color of the stool for you to consult a doctor immediately.
Tu of colon cancer.
1.Eating a low-fiber foods or foods that contain less amount of Calcium causes constipation / diarrhea, frequent and prolonged.
2.The tumors in the gastrointestinal tract, especially the intestine. Oxidation reactions, which may have caused.
3.Symptoms that can be transmitted genetically. That people who have a family history of colon cancer before it has the risk of cancer, this type of rose.
4.Eating foods that contain high amounts of fat.
5.Have been toxic to the body and to the left of the intestine.
6.Blood vessels supplying the area of ​​the intestine caused deterioration. Loss of flexibility to. Blood can not be made into a party at the colon adequately.
Examination for diagnosis is simple. Upon examining the stool. To see if there is blood in the stool or in the first phase, which may have a small amount and not visible to the naked eye. If the lesion is near the anus may be detected by using a finger inserted into the rectum examination. When you see blood in the stool. Or suspected the symptoms are X-ray examination of the colon with a garden into flour and rectal endoscopy. To detect and cut meat. Blood tests look at one of the proteins produced by cancer cells are CEA (Carcino-embryonic Antigen) can help in diagnosis are very
The treatment of colon cancer.
The treatment of colon cancer several ways, such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy depending on stage of disease, acted as d the size of the tumors. Strength and condition of the patient. Today, after a study found a gene associated with colon cancer. G-d has been developed to be told how to determine whether any genetic high risk of colon cancer. Colorectal cancer is the 3 main methods of surgical methods, remove the tumor. The use of drugs to destroy cancer cells. And destroy cancer cells in various positions. By irradiation. The choice of treatment depends on how much the cancer has spread, or any distribution or not. And physical condition of the patient, while the most appropriate way.
Division stage of colon cancer. Particularly useful for treatment planning. After the diagnosis of colon cancer and then. Your doctor will share stage of disease. Divided by the spread of the disease stage 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 as follows.
Stage 0 cancer in early stage. Only the surface of intestinal cancer.
Stage 1 cancer is only the intestinal wall. Has not spread outside the colon.
Stage 2 cancer spread outside the colon. But did not spread to lymph nodes.
Stage 3 cancer spread to nearby lymph nodes. But has not spread to other organs.
Stage 4 cancer spread to other organs, usually to the liver and lungs.
Recurrent cancer after repeated treatment.
Patients with colon cancer stage 3, stage 4 is considered disease progression. The study revealed that the treatment is not good enough. Surgery may not be cut out pieces. Chance of recurrence is quite high. But the study found that a group of patients who respond to chemotherapy after surgery, very good. Although it is in range, despite their disease progression. The drug used mainly consists of irinotecan may be used alone or in combination with 5-flourouracil (5-FU).

The problem is earlier. Doctors can not know in advance that the patients in the group to the response to chemotherapy after surgery. One else in the group that did not work. Thus causing a difficulty in deciding planning stage colorectal cancer patients with disease progression. Present new knowledge indicated that predict outcomes in such cases is the amount of DNA in cancer cells.

DNA in cancer cells, called DNA content showed that patients with colon cancer stage progression with DNA is a type tetraploid, peri-tetraploid and multiploid tumours respond very well to chemotherapy formula irinotecan + 5-FU, which the drug after surgery. The results of this research will impact a great selection of patients that physicians have to plan ahead. Will be the response to chemotherapy after surgery.

On the other hand, the concept and technical inspection techniques and DNA content of human colon cancer cells. Will help doctors know which patients will not respond to chemotherapy after surgery. And choose other means of treatment which will directly affect the success of such treatment. Such as how to use radiation and so on. Patients not responding to chemotherapy irinotecan + 5-FU formula are those with a type of DNA diploid, peri-diploid and aneuploid tumours.
To prevent or reduce risk.
Although there is no way eliminates the risk of colorectal cancer was 100%, but there are ways to reduce their risk, such as diet rich in fruits and vegetables to provide fiber waste more food. Stools will grow in size. And easier to excrete. No bottleneck in the colon for too long. And release chemicals that increase the risk of mutation of cells lining the colon. Regular exercise can reduce the risk of colon cancer. It also helps reduce obesity The use of hormone supplements in postmenopausal women. Today, the medical community recommends that people aged 50 years or consult your doctor. To help determine the risk and to get more colon endoscopic examination once a year. Screening for cancer that has no name or poly last year or so that you can diagnose and cure, but early

