Surgical piercing tissue exposure to chemotherapy.
When mentioning the brain. Can see that a special organ is one of the highest organs when compared with other organs of the body and are protected by the thick bone. (Skull) in order to avoid danger easily. ... The brain is like a CPU of the body. It acts thinking, reading, writing and calculation controls the entire body, including eyes, ears, nose, mouth, tongue, body and mind.Disorders of the brain were mostly Usually caused by a narrowing of the arteries or break tons of the brain. Cause symptoms such as paralysis of the body paralysis is also a disease of the brain more specific . " brain tumor. . " which will be discussed further.
The case of a brain tumor. Patients are different diseases caused by blood vessels of the brain, the symptoms will occur gradually. Not like a sudden stroke. A brain tumor proliferation or increased over time. This causes pressure inside the skull increases. Cause headache, vomiting, swollen optic nerve (detected by a doctor) is also associated with other symptoms such as arm strength thigh half portion Numbness half hemisphere. Listening, speaking, reading and writing disorders are not well poised walk process strabismus blurred eyes dull deaf on one of the ideas slowly changed character. Seizures and spasms, etc. The symptoms depend on whether the tumor is any position of the brain.
Tumors of the brain may be divided into two types of tumor is not fatal. And fatal tumor or cancer. In this section I mentioned that a serious tumor.
Fatal brain tumors were divided into 2 groups.
1. The deadly brain tumors that occur in the brain. Not exactly what factors are causing the tumor directly. But we found a gene that abnormal brain cells as a contributing factor.
2. The tumor spreads from somewhere else, such as lung cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer etc.
The treatment of brain cancer in several ways and may require several methods of treatment to achieve the best outcomes such as
1. Piercing sucking piece of the tumor to diagnosis.
2. Remove the tumor from surgery.
3. The radiation treatment.
4. Chemotherapy.
There are currently bringing in new technologies. Used in brain tumor surgery. To work better than in the past.
More effective and less complication. The navigation tools (. Frameless and Frame-based navigation). the operation with high accuracy. Had surgery by endoscopy (. endoscopic Surgery). the small wound. The surgery without Anesthesia for brain mapping (. awake brain Craniotomy and Mapping). helps to remove the tumor from the brain surgery part is safe. X-ray examination of electromagnetic brain surgery. Can cause cancer, brain surgery, more robust. Check the neurophysiology of the operation (. EEG, SSEP, MEP). to prevent the disabilities that may result from tumor surgery. In addition, advances in chemotherapy and radiation patients more comfortable. With chemotherapy for brain cancer, a type of eating a low morbidity. The projector light irradiation type 3-D with high accuracy. Reducing the complications of radiation less so.The brain cancer. There is currently no way to prevent The best way is. Observed abnormalities that occur with themselves or their loved ones. When a malfunction occurs. Appropriate treatment as soon as quickly. Within the tumor is small. The doctor may need to continue. Because the symptoms may not clear the first stage. For those who already have symptoms. Do not despair or discouraged and should not be denied treatment without reason. Because current medical science have made significant progress. Treatment in terms of surgery, medication or radiation treatment is very effective. Important that you not forget to maintain themselves with a significant